Aplicação na Indústria

Bin revela como ele ganha 300.000 yuans anualmente fazendo controle aéreo de pragas

May 17 , 2024


1How Does One Earn 300,000 Yuan Annually Doing Aerial Pest Control?


Guangxi has a citrus cultivation area of ​​9 million mu, requiring pest control operations 8-10 times a year. As the No. 1 pest affecting citrus, the red spider reproduces rapidly and is highly concealed, often hiding on the back of leaves where pesticide spraying is ineffective. Incomplete spraying leads to missed pests.


During the red spider outbreak last year, many users found ineffective pest control with other drone brands, until they found Bin. "The pest control effect of EAVISION drones is great, and users speak highly of it," so more and more customers sought out Bin's services, turning his part-time job into a full-time profession.



Pilots who understand the habits of red spiders often operate after nightfall. "Guangxi has a hot climate, especially during the day, making it suitable for nighttime operations. Nighttime is also the peak period for red spider activity. Manpower cannot carry out nighttime operations, but drones can." EAVISIOIN drones produce fine mist with strong penetration, effectively reaching the back of citrus leaves, greatly improving pesticide adhesion rates and enhancing pest control efficacy.



Looking back over the past year, Bin shared, "With the help of EAVISIOIN agricultural drones, I completed more than 30,000 mu of aerial pest control operations throughout the year, with an average price of 20-25 yuan per mu. The annual income can reach 300,000 to 400,000 yuan."


2. Double Drones for Better Efficiency


As demand for aerial pest control services from farmers skyrocketed, one set of equipment was far from sufficient. After experiencing the efficacy of the EA-30XP, Bin Ge unhesitatingly purchased EAVISIOIN's new product, the EA-J100.



"The misting effect of EA-J100 is excellent. Without consuming large amounts of water, it can cover the inside and outside of each fruit tree, including the back of leaves, with pesticides." Saving water and pesticide while ensuring comprehensive coverage."



Furthermore, the EA-J100's night flight obstacle avoidance function enables operations day and night, making it possible to simultaneously control two drones. "Now, over 300 mu can be completed in a single night safely, doubling productivity," says Bin.


The positive feedback from users further strengthens Bin's belief that good results lead to good income, and EAVISIOIN drones indeed provide convenience and value to users.


A EAVISIOIN continuará a contar com equipamentos agrícolas drones, colaborará com fornecedores de insumos agrícolas para explorar a solução do sistema "humano + máquina + pesticida + tecnologia", estabelecer centros integrados de serviços de treinamento-controle de voo-manutenção-vendas e capacitar a transformação dos tradicionais fornecedores de insumos agrícolas orientados para o comércio em prestadores de serviços agrícolas de base tecnológica, impulsionando a industrialização da agricultura."


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